How to release a FusionDirectory Integrator Version

  • Update the file

  • Updates the file

  • Write the upgrade documentation

  • Update the

  • Merge the branch into master

All those operations have to be made onto a branch each one of them inside a ticket with the label ~release and with a MR

Update the AUTHORS file

Add the authors of all the patchs we received to the AUTHORS file

* Markus Amersdorfer <>
    Wiki setup, Testing, hints, proposals

Updates the

To update the you must first run the following command, at the end you have to put the milestone you want a changelog for --config-file ~/.python-gitlab.cfg --gitlab fd --project "fusiondirectory/fusiondirectory-integrator" "FusionDirectory Integrator 1.1"

Update the user documentation

open an issue ins the user manual issues to update the release notes for the supported version, label this issue ~release and with the correct milestone

The content should got into source/fusiondirectory-integrator/supported

the file should be named like in this example current version to new version


Update the UPGRADE documentation

Update with a new section for the new version corresponding to what you have put into user manual supported after updating the documentation for the release

you can run for example

pandoc --from rst --to markdown -o 1.0-to-1.1.rst

directly in the user-manual source to generate the content to copy/paste at the end of UPGRADE.MD

Merge the branch into master

Only a gitlab master account user can do the merge on the master branch

Tag the release

After merging the release we need to tag the release. go to FusionDirectory Integrator tags

  • Paste the corresponding to the release we just made

Run the ci for the fusiondirectory-integrator website

Once the tags for a release are created the CI of fusiondirectory-integrator needs to run to update the fusiondirectory integrator website.

The CI is at FusionDirectory Integrator API