
This library aim to contain an easy to use object oriented interface to bind to an LDAP server and send requests to it. It also contains a few helpers related to LDAP protocol.


This library needs PHP 7.3 or newer.


You must put the src/FusionDirectory folder in the include_path of your PHP configuration.


  • Connect and bind to LDAP as external

  require 'FusionDirectory/Ldap/autoload.php';

  use \FusionDirectory\Ldap;
  /* Open a connection */
  $ldap = new Ldap\Link('ldapi:///');

  /* External bind */
  $ldap->saslBind('', '', 'EXTERNAL');
  • Connect and bind to LDAP as user

  require 'FusionDirectory/Ldap/autoload.php';

  use \FusionDirectory\Ldap;
  /* Open a connection */
  $ldap = new Ldap\Link('ldap://localhost:389/');

  /* Simple bind */
  $ldap->bind('cn=admin,dc=fusiondirectory', 'password');
  • Add an entry

  require 'FusionDirectory/Ldap/autoload.php';

  use \FusionDirectory\Ldap;
  /* Open a connection */
  $ldap = new Ldap\Link('ldap://localhost:389/');

  /* Simple bind */
  $ldap->bind('cn=admin,dc=fusiondirectory', 'password');

  /* Add an entry */
  $add = $ldap->add(
      'objectClass' => 'organizationalUnit',
      'ou' => 'entry'

  /* Throw Ldap\Exception if the add operation returned an error */
  • Delete an entry

  require 'FusionDirectory/Ldap/autoload.php';

  use \FusionDirectory\Ldap;
  /* Open a connection */
  $ldap = new Ldap\Link('ldap://localhost:389/');

  /* Simple bind */
  $ldap->bind('cn=admin,dc=fusiondirectory', 'password');

  /* Delete an entry */
  $delete = $ldap->delete('ou=entry,ou=branch,dc=fusiondirectory');

  /* Throw Ldap\Exception if the delete operation returned an error */
  • Make a search

  require 'FusionDirectory/Ldap/autoload.php';

  use \FusionDirectory\Ldap;
  /* Open a connection */
  $ldap = new Ldap\Link('ldap://localhost:389/');

  /* Simple bind */
  $ldap->bind('cn=admin,dc=fusiondirectory', 'password');

  /* Make a search */
  $list = $ldap->search('dc=fusiondirectory', '(ou=*)', ['ou'], 'subtree');

  /* Throw FusionDirectory\Ldap\Exception if there was an error */

  /* Browse results, Ldap\Result is Traversable */
  foreach ($list as $dn => $attributes) {
    echo $dn.': '.$attributes['ou'][0]."\n";

Other useful helpers


  /* Parse a schema file */
  $schema = Ldap\Schema::parseSchemaFile($cn, $filepath);

  /* Parse an objectClass or attribute definition */
  $infos = Ldap\Schema::parseDefinition("attributetype (
      NAME ( 'cn' 'commonName' )
      DESC 'RFC4519: common name(s) for which the entity is known by'
      SUP name )");


  /* Parse an LDIF file */
  $fh = fopen('/path/to/file.ldif', 'r');
  if ($fh === FALSE) {
  $ldifData = Ldap\Ldif::parseFromFileHandle($fh);
  if (!feof($fh)) {


  /* Convert from DateTime to LDAP generalized time format */
  $ldapValue = Ldap\GeneralizedTime::toString(new DateTime('tomorrow'));

  /* And back */
  $dateTime = Ldap\GeneralizedTime::fromString($ldapValue);