Coding Style

Scope of style guidelines

In order to keep the code consistent, please use the following conventions. These conventions are no judgement call on your coding abilities, but more of a style and look call.

Performance and Readability

  • It is more important to be correct than to be fast.

  • It is more important to be maintainable than to be fast.

  • Fast code that is difficult to maintain is likely going to be looked down upon.

Indentation and line length

  • 2 spaces

  • Max line width: 80

// base level
    // level 1
        // level 2
    // level 1
// base level

As a basic style rule, please use 2 spaces instead of tabulators. This will remove problems when using “diff”.


For VI users, this can be achieved by the following settings:

  • set expandtab

  • set shiftwidth=2

  • set softtabstop=2

  • set tabstop=2


Use a space before affectations, around operators, before parenthesis or braces.

// Methods

// Arrays
$b = $value[0];

// Readability
if ($b + 5 > foo(bar() + 4)) {

For vars declaration place values on the same column

var $most           = "something";
var $iHaveALongName = "value";
var $otherName      = "otherValue";

Always use spaces to seperate arguments after commat:

function foo ($param1, $param2)

Always use single spaces to split logical and mathematical operations:

if ($a > 6 && $b == 17 && (foo($b) < 1)) {


If statements with or without else clauses are formatted like this:

if ($value) {

if ($value) {
} else {

Switches are formatted like this:

switch ($reason) {
  case 'fine':

  case 'well':

Always use use braces for single line blocks:

if ($value) {

Function definitions, Classes and Methods have an opening brace on the next line:

function bar ()


Always use camel casing with lowercase characters in the beginning for multiword identifiers.

function checkForValidity ()
  $testSucceeded = FALSE;


Non trivial variable names should speak for themselves from within the context.

// Use
$hour = 5;
// instead of
$g = 5;

Find short function names that describe what the function does, in order to make the code read like a written sentence.

if (configReadable("/etc/foo.conf")) {

Use uppercase for constants/defines and _ to separate if there is more than one word :

if ($speedUp == TRUE) {
  $wait = SHORT_WAIT;
} else {
  $wait = LONG_WAIT;


Arrays must be declared using the short syntax ([]).

PHP specific

Use return without parenthesis

return TRUE; // good

return(TRUE); // bad

Open and close tags

Short tag (<?) is not allowed; use complete tags (<?php).

  // Something here

Including files

Use require_once in order to include the file once and to raise warning if file does not exists:


Quotes / double quotes

  • You must use single quotes for indexes, constants declaration, translations, …

  • When you have to use tabulation character (\t), carriage return (\n) and so on, you should use double quotes.

  • For performances reasons since PHP7, you may avoid strings concatenation.


//for that one, you should use single, but this is at your option...
$a = 'foo';

//use double quotes here, for $foo to be interpreted
//   => with double quotes, $a will be "Hello bar" if $foo = 'bar'
//   => with single quotes, $a will be "Hello $foo"
$a = "Hello $foo";

//use single quotes for array keys
$tab = [
   'lastname'  => 'john',
   'firstname' => 'doe',

//Do not use concatenation to optimize PHP7
//note that you cannot use functions call in {}
$a = "Hello {$tab['firstname']}";

//single quote translations
$str = _('My string to translate');

//Double quote for special characters
$html = "<p>One paragraph</p>\n<p>Another one</p>";

//single quote cases
switch ($a) {
   case 'foo' : //use single quote here
   case 'bar' :

Files Format

  • UTF-8, LF - not CR LF

Checking standards

In order to check some standards are respected, we provide some custom PHP CodeSniffer rules.

First clone the dev-tools that contains Fusiondirectory developement tools

git clone

Then run the codesniffer rules from the top directory:

find . -type f -name '*.php' -o -name '*.inc' -exec phpcs --standard=../dev-tools/php-codesniffer-rules/FDStandard/ruleset.xml "{}" \;

If the above command does not provide any output, then, all is OK :)

An example error output would looks like:

FILE: fusiondirectory/fusiondirectory/include/
260 | ERROR | Case breaking statement indented incorrectly; expected 10
    |       | spaces, found 8
802 | ERROR | Assignment blocks should have all assignment tokens on the same
    |       | column
965 | ERROR | Expected 1 space before "?"; 0 found
965 | ERROR | Expected 1 space after "?"; 0 found
965 | ERROR | Expected 1 space before ":"; 0 found
965 | ERROR | Expected 1 space after ":"; 0 found
973 | ERROR | Expected 1 space before "?"; 0 found
973 | ERROR | Expected 1 space after "?"; 0 found
973 | ERROR | Expected 1 space before ":"; 0 found