.. include:: /globals.rst Source Code management ====================== FusionDirectory source code management is handled by `GIT `_ and hosted on `GitHub `_. There is two repositories : * `FusionDirectory Core `_ * `FusionDirectory plugins `_ In order to contribute to the source code, you will have to know a few things about Git and the development model we follow. Branches -------- On the Git repository, you will find several existing branches: * `master` contains latest released official code, * `dev` contains the current code in development, The `dev` branch is where new features are added. This code is reputed as **non stable**. The `master` branch is the released code. This code is reputed as *stable*. .. _fhs: File Hierarchy System --------------------- .. note:: This lists current files and directories listed in the FusionDirectory **core** source code. This is a brieve description of FusionDirectory core main folders and files: * |folder| `.tx`: Transifex configuration * |folder| `contrib` * |folder| `apache` * |file| `fusiondirectory-apache.conf`: FusionDirectory apache configuration * |folder| `bin` * |file| `fusiondirectory-insert-schema`: FusionDirectory console schema management tool * |file| `fusiondirectory-setup`: FusionDirectory console management tool * |folder| `docs` * |file| `README`: Global Readme * |file| `README.cnconfig`: Readme about openldap and cn=config * |file| `README.ldap-migration`: Readme about ldap migration issue when using FusionDirectory * |file| `UPGRADE`: Full Documentation on how to upgrade from one version to another * |folder| `images` * |file| `favicon.png`: FusionDirectory favicon in png * |file| `favicon.svg`: FusionDirectory favicon in svg * |file| `Fusiondirectory-logo-noir.eps`: FusionDirectory logo in Encapsulated Postscript * |file| `Fusiondirectory-logo.png`: FusionDirectory logo in png * |folder| `lighttpd` * |file| `fusiondirectory-lighttpd.conf`: FusionDirectory lighttpd configuration file * |folder| `man` * |folder| `openldap` : FusionDirectory core schema * |folder| `smarty` * |folder| `plugins` * |file| `block.render.php`: FusionDirectory lighttpd configuration file * |file| `function.filePath.php`: FusionDirectory lighttpd configuration file * |file| `function.iconPath.php`: FusionDirectory lighttpd configuration file * |file| `function.msgPool.php`: FusionDirectory lighttpd configuration file * |file| `fusiondirectory.conf`: FusionDirectory configuration template * |folder| `html` * |folder| `images`: static images * |folder| `include`: static images * |folder| `plugins`: static images * |folder| `themes`: static images * |phpfile| `*.css`: themes css * |folder| `icons`: icons for the theme following free desktop specification * |folder| `images`: static images for this theme if needed (not recommended) * |folder| `svg`: icons in svg format * |folder| `ihtml` : smarty theme tpl folders * |folder| `themes` * |folder| `breezy` : official theme * |folder| `legacy` : old one for testing only * |folder| `include` : core FusionDirectory library and helpers * |folder| `exporter`: export to pdf and xls * |folder| `password-methods`: all password methods understod by FusionDirectory * |folder| `select`: all object specific select dialog and methods * |folder| `simpleplugin`: core FusionDirectory library * |folder| `locale` * |folder| `ar`: ISO code of the language * |file| `fusiondirectory.po`: Gettext's translations * |folder| `...` * |folder| `plugins` * |folder| `addons` * |folder| `admin`: administration plugins * |folder| `config`: configuration plugins * |folder| `generic`: base core plugins * |folder| `personal` : base personal plugins * |file| `.gitignore`: Git ignore list * |file| `AUTHORS.txt`: list of FusionDirectory authors * |file| `Changelog`: Changes * |file| `COPYING`: Licence * |file| `README.md`: all about FusionDirectory :) .. note:: This lists current files and directories that can be listed in the FusionDirectory **plugin** source code. This is a brieve description of a FusionDirectory plugin folders and files: * |folder| `addons`: used if the plugin put things in the addons menu category * |folder| `admin`: main dir for all plugins going into the admin menu category * |folder| `config`: configuration dir, used if the plugin need to store option in ldap * |folder| `contrib`: used to put all the contributed files like schema, docs, manpages etc.. * |folder| `openldap`: Schemas for the openldap server * |folder| `docs`: Documentation how to use the plugin * |folder| `html`: used to put all the images or other public files * |folder| `plugins` * |folder| `plugin_name` * |folder| `images`: images which are not icons * |folder| `themes` * |folder| `breezy` * |folder| `icons`: icons to add to default breezy theme * |folder| `48`: sorted by size, for instance 48x48 * |folder| `apps`: then by category, use apps for application icons * |file| `myapp.png`: format should be png. This example file would be used as *geticon.php?context=applications&icon=myapp* * |folder| `ihtml`: used to put all the smarty template files * |folder| `themes` * |folder| `breezy`: smarty templates * |folder| `locale`: used for localization of the plugin * |folder| `en`: language iso code * |file| `fusiondirectory.po`: message file * |folder| `personal`: used when plugin is to be used to manage user properties * |folder| `includes`: used for files available for inclusion for other plugins