New ticket opened

First the label of the dolibarr project should be added to it.

The dolibarr label are made like this : PJYYYY-project number

We have some basic project number that should always be used by default if there is no customer project.

  • FusionDirectory / Automated Testing / FusionDirectory demo : PJ1802-0188
  • Argonaut : PJ1802-0190
  • Packaging Debian / Redhat / Centos / Ubuntu : PJ1802-0189
  • Gitlab-ci changes : PJ1802-0188
  • User-manual : PJ2003-0342
  • Dev Manual : PJ2003-0343


if the label doesnt exist it need to be created at the group level for exemple : Group Label

Second the component where the bug/enhancement is to be made should be specified

  • Example : fusiondirectory-core or plugin-xxx


It could be several component

Third if this is a customer under contract the level of support should be added also

  • Example : basic, intermediate, expert, premium

Ticket as been treated

you need to input you time into the ticket with /spend with a choice of xxmin, xxhours, xxdays


Very important as it allow to caculate the time spend on this feature or fix

if some code has been commited and need to be tested

  • The to be tested label should be added

if some more info is needed to act on the report

  • The need info label should be added, don’t hesitate to ping the user reporting the bug with @(useranme) to ask him to check it out

If the change need to be cherry-picked in a -fixes version

  • The fixes label is added, when the cherry-pick as been merged we remove the fixes and add the fixes-merged label

if the change need a change in packaging

Ticket need to be closed

  • Remove the to be tested label, and add one of the changelog label to specify what has been done.
    • Added
    • Changed
    • Deprecated
    • Fixed
    • Removed
    • Security

Those label are used to generate a changelog when we release a new version of the software, and also used when we want to search in which version something has been changed and what the type of change it was